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Noli turbare circulos meos!

A lot happened last weekend. For starters, we finally got the shell of our home up. Like the Northwest yurt version of an Amish barn raising, we went from this on Thursday morning:

to this...

to this...

to this...

to this...

to this...

to this...

to this...

to this...

on Saturday evening.

It's called Teamwork. Ingenuity. Grit. Efficiency.

It's also called Friendship (from left to right: my daughter Belle, me, my brother Fred, Jesse, my uncle Rudy, Hanz, and my friend Grant ~ with my son Will hidden somewhere in the background). The only crucial person not in the picture is the one who took it: Jenna, intrepid cook/builder/encourager/all-around Renaissance woman.

Jesse and Hanz (head builder and owner, respectively, of Smiling Woods Yurts) made the trip from SWY headquarters in Winthrop, WA, to help us with the build. Very grateful they came! Rudy flew in from Walnut Creek, CA, Grant came from Portland, OR, and Fred from Bainbridge Island, WA. Unbelievable gift! Needless to say, we couldn't have done it without them!

Next weekend: up goes the roof. Pics to come. Stay tuned.

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